OOP through Java

Product: Theory Subject
Categories: Diploma

Features Includes:

  • 81 - 3D/2D Animation
  • 496 Pages of Content
  • 90 Lecture Hours
  • 73 Quiz
  • Suitable for All Technical University Syllabus

Course Description

Data Structures in C are used to store data in an organised and efficient manner. In C Programming Language Different types of data structures are; Array, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Tree. In term of computer programming language, a data structure may be selected or designed to store data for the purpose of working on it with various algorithms


  • Understand an Overview of Data Structures
  • Understand Linear Data structures. Perform insertion and deletion operation on a linked list
  • Define stack. Explain array implementation of a queue and expression
  • Explain the linear representation and linked list representation of a Binary tree
  • Define sorting, need of sorting and list the four methods of sorting

Evolution of OOP-Why C++ - Structure of C++ programs - Object oriented programming - Limitations of POP - Appreciate the evolution of OOPs. Compare procedure oriented programming and object oriented programming - Difference between Procedure Oriented Programming (POP) and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).Features of object oriented programming-Features of object oriented languages - Applications of OOPS - History of C++. Define class and object-Principle of object oriental languages - Properties of OOPs - Objects - Class.


History and features of Java - Introduction to java- Java history - Internet language - Java features - Java Tools - Importance of java in the internet programming.Byte code of Java and JVM - Byte codes of Java, JVM. White space, literals, separators, keywords in Java, writing comment statements in Java-The process of entering and executing a java program- White space, literals, separators, keywords in Java - Comments in java - Unicode and naming system in Java. Data types and Literals - Data types-Integer types - Floating point types - Character and Boolean type - Literals. Declaration and Initialization of Variables - Declaration of Variables - Initialization of Variables.Type conversion and casting-Type Conversion - Casting.Concept of one dimensional and two dimensional array-One-Dimensional Array - Two-Dimensional Array.Various types of operators-Operators - Arithmetic Operators - Relational Operators - Logical Operators - Assignment Operator - Increment/Decrement Operators - Conditional Operator - Bitwise Operators - Special Operators. Selection statements of Java - Selection statements - If-else Statement - If...else if…else Statement - Switch Statement.Iterative statements of Java-Iterative statements - do-while loop statements - for loop statements - Difference between Definite Loop and Indefinite Loop. Branching Statements-Break statements - Continue statement - Return statements. Basics of Classes and Objects-Class - Object - Example on Classes and Objects.New operator and methods - New Operator - Methods - Adding A Method To Class - Calling A Method.Constructor-Constructors - Difference Between Classes - Types of Constructors - Overloaded Constructor. Method overloading-Method overloading. Usage of this pointer-this pointer.Working of static variables, methods - Static Member - Static Variable - Static Methods - Calling Static Methods.Working of static blocks, final variables-Static Blocks - Final Variables.String classes and its methods-String Class - String Constructors - String Methods - String Comparison - Searching Strings - Modifying a String - Changing the case of characters. Usage of command-line arguments-Usage of command-line arguments.


Concepts of inheritance, package and interfaces - Inheritance - Example Program - Visibility Modifiers - Complete Example. Implement Inheritance - Implement Inheritance. Create Multi Level Hierarchy - Multi Level Inheritance - Program To Create Multi Level Hierarchy. Final Keyword- Final Keyword -Prevent method overriding - Prevent Inheritance. Packages and classpath -Introduction to packages - Classpath.Access protection - Access protection - Access modifiers - Using access modifiers. Classes within a class and importing packages - Inner classes - Types of inner classes - Using classes from other packages - Example program.Concept of interfaces - Concept of interfaces - Why interface is needed - Benefits of interface - Drawbacks of interface - Difference between class and interface. Defining and implementation of interfaces - Defining interface-Difference between class and interface - Implement interface.Multiple inheritance and scope of variables - Multiple inheritance - Scope of variables in interfaces.


Explain the thread model of java - Basics of threads - Thread model of java.Explain thread priorities - Concept of thread priority - Relevant methods and constants - Example program. Explain the concept of synchronization - Concept of synchronization - Monitor - Unsynchronized example - Locking of an object - Synchronized example. Creating threads- Two ways of creating thread - Extending Thread class - Example program.Creating threads using Runnable interface - Implementing runnable interface -Example program. Create multiple threads -Multithreaded. Describe alive ( ), join ( ), suspend( ), resume( ) methods-Describe alive ( ), join ( ), suspend( ), resume( ) methods. Inter thread communication -Inter thread communication methods-wait () method - notify () method. Deadlocks-Deadlock problem - Threads and deadlocks - Example java program - Avoiding deadlock. Explain the sources of errors-Sources of errors -Discussion. Advantages of exceptions - Exception -Exception handling - Advantages of exception handling.To deal with exceptions - Exception handling mechanism in java - How to deal with exceptions-Usage of java keywords to handle exception.The concept of multi - catch- Multi catch statements - throw statement - throws clause - finally block - Discussion.Types of exceptions- Exception hierarchy - Types of exceptions.


JDBC - Know about JDBC. JDBC architecture–JDBC architecture.Connection interface and Drivermanager class - Connection interface and Drivermanager class.JDBC Drivers - JDBC Drivers.JDBC Statements- JDBC Statements. Connecting to database using JDBC - Establish a connection - Create a statement - Execute the query - Close the connections. JDBC programs - Example program using JDBC.